Your Trusted Local Painters In Rochester, MN
Our dedicated painters in Rochester, and surrounding areas, deliver long-lasting painting solutions for Southeastern Minnesota homes.

Professional Painting Services
Maintaining your home or business is an ongoing battle. Many people find it hard to make time for painting or don’t know how to do it right. On top of that, finding reliable and skilled painters who charge fair prices is also a challenge.
Flat Brush Painting solves this problem by offering professional, high-quality painting services at a reasonable price. We can handle any of your interior or exterior painting needs and have flexible scheduling to fit into your busy life.
Schedule your FREE estimate today to see how we can take care of all your painting needs and give you stunning, long-lasting results.

Ready to Transform Your Home?
We’ve Got You Covered!
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Let’s Get Started!
No matter your painting needs, we’ve got you covered. Give us a call or fill out the short form to schedule your FREE, No Obligation Painting Estimate.